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Currently reading

Battle Ground
Jim Butcher
Black Ops
Chris Ryan
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.: A Novel
Neal Stephenson, Nicole Galland
A Study in Emerald
Neil Gaiman, Jouni Koponen
Progress: 50 %
Blood Work
Michael Connelly
Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Hans Rosling
How to Stop Time
Matt Haig
Progress: 10/304 pages
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
Steven Pinker
Progress: 54/576 pages
The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction
Neil Gaiman
Progress: 202/502 pages
Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist
Richard Dawkins
Progress: 90/448 pages

Reading progress update: I've read 270 out of 574 pages.

Memorial Day - Vince Flynn

Mitch Rapp is on the hunt for terrorists. 


He was able to captured Afgan terrorists. And one of them leaked that they are going to bomb DC. 


Oh and that DC bomb is nuclear. 


Oh no. 


The important information sent to irene and triggered a protocol that get the president into safety.


Religion give the religious strength to do nasty things to other people without failing bad. The human nature of compassion was destroyed in the mind of the religious.