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Currently reading

Battle Ground
Jim Butcher
Black Ops
Chris Ryan
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.: A Novel
Neal Stephenson, Nicole Galland
A Study in Emerald
Neil Gaiman, Jouni Koponen
Progress: 50 %
Blood Work
Michael Connelly
Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Hans Rosling
How to Stop Time
Matt Haig
Progress: 10/304 pages
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
Steven Pinker
Progress: 54/576 pages
The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction
Neil Gaiman
Progress: 202/502 pages
Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist
Richard Dawkins
Progress: 90/448 pages

Dresden is a ghost

Ghost Story - Jim Butcher

A ghost detective. Sound interesting. Especially when it is written so long ago.


So he died. And he didn't go to heaven or hell. 


He was asked to go back and solve his own murder. 


So he did. Only found himself back to Chicago a few months after his death. Things are not going too well in his absence. Molly was there to fight like a crazy lady. Murphy is going really working with a lot of anger issue. His old ghost Bob is now working with a doctor. 


So he found out bits and pieces of information along the way.


Who killed him?


Plot twists and humor. Quite enjoy reading this one. 


Another book completed.