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Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist
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{Unfair review} Nate last adventure

The Survivor - Gregg Hurwitz

Nate is trying to jump off a building and commit suicide. 


That was interrupted by a bank robbery. As he really has a death wish, he risked his life and confronted those who are in progress of opening the bank vault and stopped five of them. Only one escape. 


He ended up not badly injured and carried a little girl out of the bank and become a hero. 


In his personal life, he is a mess. His wife is going to divorce him, and a new guy already moved in his house. His daughter was angry at him for disappearing on her for nine months. 


He stayed away because he has ALS. And he didn't wanted his family to suffer through his illness. But now he become involved in stopping a bank heist, he has to tell his own family in his own words. 


That's the beginning of the book. 


I said is unfair as the book take a turn when the sixth man found him and threatened his daughter. They wanted him to pay for being there and spoiled their plan. 


I skip a lot at this point because it is late and I'm sleepy. And I wanted to know if it is a sad ending or not. 


So... I skip to the end and found out. Now that I know, I have to put this away and let me forget part of this before I could pick it up again.


I would mark this as finished and be back in a year.


Overall, it is a good book on how a person could gain some clarity at the end of life and confronted with a timeline toward death. Why waste time to please others when the outcome is not good for neither party. Why not spend more time with those he really care about. A lot of regrets that come too late. 


The other good part is how he has to fight the bad guys while gradually losing control over his own body. This is what is scary and hard to read. 


The not so good bits is the motivation of the bad guys. Why take the risk and wasted resource on a guy that might not be that good in helping them. This blackmail driven part is not really that logical. 


Overall, a 4 stars read. 


It is still unfair as I did skipped over chapters.