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Gay teen story on friendship and love

Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green,  David Levithan

Love it. 


You should too. 


Written by John Green and David Levithan, a good story on how friends stay with each other, through love and heartbreaks.


Is dating just try and error? Yes and No. It is more like try and error and try and error and repeated it until you either got it or you don't. 


The book is a fast read and the story moved along fast. The characters are likable in most cases, except for a bitch that lied to her best friend that I couldn't forgive what she has done. 


The other Will who is gay, is depressed. A bit like a Emo but not for getting attention or anything. Sometimes, you fall into this deep dark hole and you don't see how you could climb out of it. But then, sometimes, it is fine for someone who sit with you while you get stuck in the hole.


That's what depression is like, only worst.


Giving the characters emotion, and trouble, and parents who are supportive make the world less scary and cruel and cold.


Reality is usually worst than the book. In this case, it is not that bad. The trouble that characters are into, are created by themselves or by other teenage characters. It is not an adult problem, but kid problems.


There are a few funny bits, like the fake ID with the wrong date of birth. Like the friend Will who peeped on Jane's combination lock, to dedicate a song to her. Only to have Jane mistook that gesture, and thought it was from her ex-boyfriend.


The Edwin Schrodinger cat  is also used in moving the plot along. It is fun to have it link to the "unknown" status "unspoken very-like". Like if you don't say we are together, it is like the cat in the box, we don't know if it is dead or alive. The unsaid "like" is like that, Jane doesn't know Will like her until he asked her about Schrodinger cat and he got the message. The cat is alive or dead even if they don't open the box, it is the person who like to know about the status of the cat. Or in this case, if they are really together and could tell other people they are together now. 

The more important thing is, everyone want to be appreciated, even some of the time. And showing appreciation is a big part of being a friend. 


Really like it. Enjoy it a lot. And I think it is a good book for other teenagers who are into friendship.


5 stars