If person is a like particle that has possibility and it is not fix until it is being observed by another person, than all possibilities of a person is present until being observed.
This is the version about time that could be stolen and resale, and have a timekeeper that go through a lot of adventures, because she could do something special with time.
A story that is not exactly fun, but interesting enough to get your attention. If you are into basic physics, and know a bit of quantum instability, and understand a bit of time and how time is personal, this is the book for you.
The story is a bit disjointed as going through 60% of the book and still don't have a clear "why" this story is happening.
The characters are many, but not rich, as there are very little development of the characters, or the relationships between them.
Overall okay book. Might have to finish it before going up from a 4.
Now, time and timekeeper concept is pretty good. I like the friendship between the children.
But the villains including the bad guy who worked for the disgusting Catholic Popes and Vatican, are a bit too clever, and a bit too easy to give up.
All in all, still an interesting read.
So, up from 4 to 4 and a half stars.