He is not wrong that he has opinions that readers would disagree with. Reading chapter two now and I already disagreed with him on some points.
First chapter: Politics Second Chapter, Government.
Interesting that how reading books would affect politic. I read this one and I like it a lot. It is about social psychology and economic psychology in relation to public policy. David Cameron picked one up because 10 copies were bought and put on the table where he is having a meeting. It is a great book and it does affect on how someone might think of helping in making better public policy.
What I disagreed with is his view on Thatcher and her privatisation of public utilities. That is rent seeking as said in Price of Inequality.
50 pages in the book. Will continue this review when I read more.
Chapter on Education is fine in most parts. The factory mode of school is not really good for children with diverse talents.
The boutique schools are mostly for the rich who had choice. As a supplement, that's fine. But the most important of all is to use the resources to make schools better for children.
On health care. This is probably his biggest failure so far. He is so anti-centralisation that he failed to see free market is a bad idea for health care. People are not that smart when it comes to care, with load of money wasted on alternative medicine that is useless. Unless that factor is gone, decentralisation of health care is a bad idea. It is way better to make institutionalised hospitals to do better, to be more humans. After all, those who are committed to the health care professionals are mostly caring persons to start with. So make it more humans via reform is much better than decentralisation.
Skipping ahead.
The good bit about poverty and how UK combat poverty and try to make it more effectively helping, is pretty good. Some lessons to be learned here.
I disagreed with some of the points but that's understandable. Overall, with 4 chapters left, it is a pretty good book that worth reading, and recommend to friends as a starting point in talking about big issues that matter.
The final few chapters are pretty standard and good.
Overall, it is a thought provoking books to make one think of the society one is living in and ways one could assist to improve it to make it more human while respecting nature more.
Highly recommended. Especially for those who are more aware of how policy has impact in real life.