Shaw is a reluctant special agent.
Shaw is tall, big and skilled. He has a contract with a secret service agent because he has wounded a special agent by mistake. The agent Frank became his handler.
He was on a 5 years contract and he wanted out.
The reason is sweet. He was in love and wanted to retire from his very dangerous occupation so that he could be a happily married man.
The love of his life is a scholar Anna who is an expert on political science and research analyzing global events and its effects.
Creel is a rich arm dealers who have hired a perception management PR firms to generate fake news to manipulate the publics and the government in order to start war. For preparation of wars is what he want in gaining new arm contracts.
Katie is a good journalist and also an alcoholic. She is good when she is not drunk. Her perception is good, so good that she followed Shaw and Shaw saved her life.
All the major key players are now on board. The plots unfolded and Shaw and Katie was now in danger.
Anna is also in danger but for the research she is doing on fake news.
The story move in good speed and it is complex. Like a good spy story. The world is at stake and there is a love story in between chapters.
I grow to like Shaw. He is a sad and lovable character. Too bad there were only two books on Shaw.
5 stars read. Highly recommended.