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Battle Ground
Jim Butcher
Black Ops
Chris Ryan
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.: A Novel
Neal Stephenson, Nicole Galland
A Study in Emerald
Neil Gaiman, Jouni Koponen
Progress: 50 %
Blood Work
Michael Connelly
Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Hans Rosling
How to Stop Time
Matt Haig
Progress: 10/304 pages
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
Steven Pinker
Progress: 54/576 pages
The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction
Neil Gaiman
Progress: 202/502 pages
Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist
Richard Dawkins
Progress: 90/448 pages

Door /Dec 21 Winter Solstice

Stick Man by Julia Donaldson (7-Sep-2009) Paperback - Julia Donaldson

Winter Solstice / Yuletide (December 21): Read any book that takes place in December OR with ice or snow on the cover OR that revolves around the (summer or winter) equinox OR a collection of poetry by Hafez.

Stick Man is a sweet book with stick man played out the role as a stick but all he wants is to go home. 


A read a loud book for children. 


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