Watch this video today. It was made a few years back. But it is inspiring.
This is how I think sometimes, when I'm aware that I got irritated for being in a situation that no one is at fault. It is just the way it is.
This is Water- a video
The full recording.
This is Water part 1
This is Water part 2
OK. I didn't read it. I listened to it.
And it is great.
I should have tried (and I know I would fail) to push this to friends who get irritated in checkout line. And who need me to do my part in trying to lessen their irritation.
Example would be, a friend who complained about there is scrimp in her soup, and I would automatically move my bowl and ask her to give them all to me.
Why get irritated? Life is hard enough.
The world has problem, it has other people, and we are all too self centered to adjust ourselves nicely.
We are consider because that is the way we choose to think about the situation we are in.
I do that, sometimes. I wonder about other people life stories. That we are never going to hear them, as the society doesn't consider that good enough story.
I don't know them. And I don't have to judge them. Unless they exhibit trend that is known to be harmful.
We have to live with other people. It is unavoidable.
We decide what is important to us.
The only part I disagreed with the writer.
I don't worship. Nothing is important enough for me to worship. I'm disinterested in stuff. That's another problem all together.
Default settings. I called it "auto pilot".
It is like living in the world that most people could not tell you who they are, or what is important to them. Or what they are thinking at that time.
People are unaware. That's scary but true.
I have known people who are like that. It is more or less the experience of speaking to a cardboard character. There is no depth in the person. There is no original thoughts that they could share with you.
Reading books that make you think make you aware. I don't know how well it translate into the real world. I hope it does.