The book is almost finished. So I better write this before I forgot how I feel about it.
First, the characters building.
He is a master of this. No pages of pages of description, just name and some background so that the reader could have enough input to formulate an image of a person.
It covers some pop culture, the self-help guru. The give me your money and go through the training to feel better. With only a few pages of appearance, it already established how a person could buy into this kind of bullshit. It is a religion with the leader as a god.
Then comes the shooter. Spoiler alert. Leave and come back later if you haven't finished the book.
OK. The shooter. What he said is what you heard from those faithful Christian. The action is what you expected from a person who traded in their logic and reasoning for blind faith.
The Christian shooter, using his religious logic, killed anyone who is not with the same belief. That's the ultimate loyalty of Christian to their belief. And that's reasoning and progression of how the Christians faithful would add in time of crisis. They would act out and kill those who are not believers.
Not finished it yet and would come back to finish this. So far, a fast and good read.
The ending.
I don't like it too much. The near death experience make her think that there is a place people would go when they died is nonsense. I know it is a plot device to wrap up the story, but it is still unnecessary. It feels like the ending of Harry Potter, or the movie AI, I wish the writer would stop and don't write the last few pages that don't really add anything to the story.
It end with, we don't know what happen to them, but it is okay.
So, why give it a 5 stars? Well, I haven't read a good story for a long time. And this book really is a 5 stars story.