After suffered through the first two boring book of the series, the last one is just as bad as the first two.
I have written a review for the whole series, and this is what I have said about this one.
Crap book, waste of paper, the experience could only be compared to going to the dentist, and you could choos to go to the dentist than to read this crap books again.
That Hideous Strength. After two books, kind of hope this one is better. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There is nothing likable or interesting about most of the characters. Once you have lost all interested in the characters, you wouldn't care what happen to them. Reading the first half of the book is like slamming head into a wall again and again, which give you a pretty bad headache. This one is plain awful. The good guys are unlikeable, the villains are just cardboard characters. Lewis made money on this and I still wonder why someone would like this crap.