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Old Earth Creationist bullshit

The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God - Hugh Ross

A whole of rubbish. Not really scientific, just a whole of shit. 

The writer is a stupid old Earth Creationist {instead of young Earth Creationist}. With all the evolution good books, Hugh should open his stupid fucking christian mind a little, and let some good knowledge going in. He got a good education, but still didn't get that creator is not necessary when studying the cosmos. 

The book is not worth the paper it is printed on. Don't bother reading it. 


There are some really idiotic comments from creationists who spill bullshit with this review. 

Here is the argument. 

And here is what I expected from Creationists.

To add more fun. Here is another person picking on this bullshit writer.

Let’s pick on an Old Earth Creationist